Dhara Parekh

Summer Book Bingo Challenge

Summer is here!

There is nothing more pleasurable than reading a book by the ocean with your feet buried in the warm sand and your ears hooked to the pleasant sound of waves. If you are like me, you’d not find much difference between that and in reading in your bed in your PJs, surrounded by tea and your favorite snacks. But it’s summer, though, and even we homebodies need to up our game. 

I read the most number of books in a year when I did a Summer Book Bingo Challenge. Not only I finished almost 45 books by the end of December, but because of the Bingo prompts I read books I would have never picked up. There is the Goodreads Reading Challenge every year but ticking interesting prompts on a Bingo card gives me the kind of satisfaction I only get from writing on a nicely padded paper. It’s like my own summer reading program.

So instead of snatching a random card from Google, I decided to design my own reading challenge this year. How else to inaugurate my new website! Yes, welcome to the Nerd Space ya’ll, which by the way, needs a lot of work and customization. I’ll get there.

The blazing sun is already out and as usual, I am late. So, without further ado-

Reading Challange

The rules are pretty straightforward-

  • Download your Bingo card from here. Print it or save it, whatever works for you
  • Complete the prompts in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
  • When you get a Bingo, take a picture, and tag me on Instagram (@mycactusdress). You can share about the books you read, talk about your reading journey, or get creative with your Bingo card. I am already eager to see that.
  • For each Bingo you score, you’ll be entered to win a small set of prizes, which includes a Dobby Funko Pop, a book reading light, bookmarks, and more! I will upload the pictures of the prizes as soon as they are ready. In an event where two or more people have the same amount of Bingos, I will draw a random name.
  • OPTIONAL: Use the hashtag #DPBookBingoChallenge so I can enjoy your Bingo journey. Follow me on Instagram to check about the prizes. Add me on Goodreads so I can stalk your books.
  • It ends on September 23, 2019

If you are looking to change your reading habits or want to read more books, this is a good way to start. Don’t forget, the challenge starts from June 23rd, Sunday. You’ve got two days to plan the Game of Books!

I’ll see you on the field.
Have fun!


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