Dhara Parekh


You ever felt so cold, you had to put on your woolen socks, wear the warmest PJs, put on a hoodie, and rush to the bed, to envelop yourself in a cozy, fluffy blanket? You could feel your body dissolving under the covers like butter melting on a toast. You hear the delicate sound of someone playing acoustic guitar next door. A cloud just thundered with an echo. You peek outside the window to watch the sky drizzle like a glittering shower of teensy diamonds.

You watch a leaf bow a little after catching the first drop and regain its posture to craft tiny beads on itself. A graceful bird just flew under the tree, sat on the branch, and flapped its wings. The wind is being the maestro and playing a symphony on your wind chimes. Your apple-cinnamon candle just blew off, leaving a trail of nostalgic scent.

As you are sensing the chilly breeze in your eyes, your loved one comes to offer you a hot cup of coffee with a kiss. You feel the warmth of the cup in your cold hands and experience every vein getting warm again. The gushing wind sways your hair and leaves tiny droplets on your cheeks.

You turn on the television to see your favorite movie just getting started. You melt more into your blanket, rest your back on the spongy pillow, and experience a feeling indescribable as you take the first sip of your hot coffee.

Yes, that. That feeling… You ever felt that?



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